Half term reading has started with a bag with Matt Haig's 'Echo Boy'. A gripping story about Audrey and her search for answers after her parents are killed by an ECHO - Enhanced Computerized Humanoid Organism. The story is a Sci Fi Thriller for 13+ and you'll probably need to put aside some hours because you might feel the urge to read it in one sitting-therefore perfect for the holidays. It is thought provoking and raises many questions about what it means to be human and the power of technology versus humans who feel.....very topical indeed.
Matt Haig's writing about the power of reading also struck a chord with me as he writes as Audrey recalls her mum encouraging her to read:
" 'A book is a map,' she said, after I had finished reading Jane Eyre. 'There will be times in your life when you will feel lost and confused. The way back to yourself is through reading. There is not a problem in existence that has not been eased, somewhere and at some time, by a book. I want you to remember that. The answers have all bee written. And the more you read , the more you will know how to find your way through those difficult times.' "