So here's Oscar's exclamation which I believe is a mighty fine way to end the Spring session don't you? His sister (Saffron) can be seen peeping over her beautiful book-also an amazing way to celebrate children's creativity. Never ceases to stun me when I meet all these amazing children-look at what they can do given the space, encouragement and imagination to do it. AND....I mustn't forget that we had some other visitors in on the last day including another OSCAR who is a massive 'Winnie the Witch' fan and proceeded to read one of her adventures using all the best voices. Treats and more treats to end the Spring. Please support the reinstatement of Storyshack in the Dovecote :-) I felt quite sad today taking everything down...it does look at little bare in there now but I know it can be turned into somewhere magical in a JIFFY if I'm lucky enough to get the chance again.