'Mr Cram's magic bubbles'-I wonder if he was my inspiration to become a teacher. I think maybe not as there's a bit at the beginning where lots of his children where a dunce's cap and sit in the corner because Mr Cram feels they're hopeless at Maths. However, he mixes up an amazing bubble mixture and they love maths and number for ever afterwards. I love the drawing in this book and it always makes me smile...especially because one of my favourite 'things' appears at the end but I won't spoil it for you! It will appear in Story shack if you'd like a read.
'The Iron Man' was one of the first books I read to my first class of Year 4s in Ilford who are all probably very grown up now. Just the thought makes me feel old-that's why I had to move to Suffolk so I don't bump into them! We used to sit on the carpet every afternoon for the story. Shortly after we'd begun it the school had a book fayre. ..the next time all these copies of the book appeared before home time, eyes down eagerly awaiting the next instalment. So reading to your class really does make a difference to their reading range and maybe leads into books children wouldn't necessarily have chosen for themselves AND they have to wait a bit for the next bit too.