When I happened to be in two sets of schools for this year's SATS I did ponder on the rights of the child and really did ponder on the messages we are sending to our primary aged children AND whether this is actually morally right. The article above raises, I think, the issues we are all thinking about at the minute. How right is it to create these situations when children are visibly upset and stressed because they feel they're not going to achieve the required level. How right is it in the light of the pretty widespread, accepted knowledge that secondary schools undertake their own testing and take little if any notice of results any way. All I would like to advocate is that these are still CHILDREN and, to this end, we must help them flourish, imagine and create.
Storyshack is open with this in mind. Nobody is too old to play so come and imagine this holiday, read a book, make a book, play and RELAX with drinks and new and old friends. As one visitor also discovered you can also bounce up and down on the trampoline to your heart's content if that's what you enjoy too :-) OR you can just CURL UP WITH A BOOK which is what I will mostly be doing when I'm not meeting lovely new people LIKE YOU!