I am from yellow hats, high viz jackets and allen keys and inflatable planets,
From a once in a life time, privileged
I am from parent and toddler group googly eyes straight to afternoon interviews
From presentations of watering cans and sunflowers
I am from Dr martens, builders tea and sofits and fascias
From the controversial ICT walls and neighbour complaining woodchip burners
I am from appointing inspiring people, unpacking boxes, flapjack on the floor in the staffroom
From piling up postura chairs and community plaything parts, a fleet of wooden trucks
I am from a team pulling together, hard work but exciting, hoping, dreaming of this school
From final preparations, paper registers, can’t go upstairs, no computers, can you believe it?
I am from silver shiny pillars and rainbow windows
From green and navy Josh Clarke - rainbow badge clad first pupil of the day
I am from awe and wonder, proud children and team, relief at opening on time
From first everythings, harvest, Humph the camel, discos, parties, towering Christmas trees
I am from a cold March day, children gathered singing heartily, colourful Chris the clown
From ribbons cut for official openings from a very nearly lost official
I am from sunny sports day, energetic, eager, win or lose, sporting spirit
From rainbow afternoons of create, make and do it
I am from children shaping the Rendlesham way
From Leaver’s assembly, first tear jerking farewells to our year 6s, always proud of who they are today.
I am from Carolyn Grace’s inspiring story
From spitfire fly by s especially for US
I am from new life and happiness
From babies, maternities, bundles of joy
I am from sadness, remembering
From pink wafers, Mike TV and special garden sofas
I am from technical glitches, ELLOH hitches
From OOPS and start again and smiles and perseverance
I am from Ofsted inspections , growing together
From celebrating our learning, Rendlesham recipes forever.
I am from team spirit, school community, one to be proud of
From the fluffy ladies team, growing, evolving, developing
I am from the best team I’ve worked with..EVER
From the most wonderful children, we’re fiercely proud of
I am from awe inspiring thoughts to collaborative creativity
From a passion for learning
I am from vision to reality, nurturing young people to be all they can be
From care, hard work, determination and ‘such fun’ smiles
I am from the rainbow school with warmth for miles
From children at the centre in all we do
I am from Rendlesham, I am from you!
All from ADISA's workshop http://www.adisaworld.com